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dernier cri
the latest fashion; literally "latest scream"
witchcraft, deviltry, or, more figuratively, "wickedness"
emience grise
"grey eminence" : a publicity-shy person with little formal power but great influence over those in authority
esprit de l'escalier
"wit of the stairs" : a concise, clever statement you don't think of until too late. e.g. on the stairs leaving the scene
zut alors!
"Damn it!" or the British expression "Blimey!", a general exclamation. Just plain zut is also in use — often repeated for effect, for example, zut, zut et zut!
a woman's garment with a low-cut neckline that exposes cleavage, or a situation in which a woman's chest or cleavage is exposed
Je crois toi
I trust You
Mmmm! Pretty illustrated music video...