Its that time of year again! Artawarness fashion show time! Tickets still available for Friday and Saturday night. Come out and support my good friend Anna Archy (cause she is clever like that) who is closing the show! Allll right team!
I have always been a big fan of the photo booth and have acquired many shots from inside them over the years. This collection includes and documents awkward wardrobe changes (savage garden t-shirt anyone?), my hair getting long then all of a sudden being short and staying short, as well as a changing and reappearing cast of friends. My all time favorite strip would undoubtedly be this one, its my mom and me from way back I especially like the matching black and white stripes horizontal and vertical.
Three posts in one night?! record! anyways. Just posting to say how unbelievably excited I am about my magazine project! I am collaborating with Natalia and our magazine is shaping up very nicely! Our topic is design with a focus on the inspiration and process phase rather then only featuring the finished product. So far we have some excellent contributions including eestorey (the art director of tegan and sara), creative couple Shauna and Stephen from Something’s Hiding In Here, Artist Lam Hoi Sin, the guys at HMF !
As well as peer contributors Maddie Matthews, Julia Tiller, and Kelsie Risling!
Looking so forward to seeing what we come up with!!!!